Sunday, May 9, 2010

Silly Story

I have tried to teach my children not to be bored. Occasionally, they forget and I hear those words "Mom, I'm bored"....
Well, Emily slipped up so I had her help me write a new story. I write a few lines...she adds a few lines...until the story is done or they find something un-boring to do. Here is our silly story creation:
In July, it's hot and dry.
So, I grabbed the cat and went out back.
On the way, I.........
Kissed a Frog...
That was sitting on a dirty log.
He looked at me with certain dread.
I thought for sure that I was dead...
But then the frog, he ribbit and croaked..
He told me that my shirt was soaked..
and if I would just bring him a dollar,
He promised he wouldn't tell or hollar.
It made my day that he felt that way,
And I thought, well...what the hey.
Since he had such a good attitude,
            THE  END