Okay, I know what you're thinking. These are photos of a cucumber plant in my garden. But let me tell you what happened a few years ago and then you'll understand why I call it a pickle tree.
I had just come from working in the garden when one of my sisters and her family arrived for a visit. After a quick wash up, I was pouring all of us a cup of coffee when she noticed the bushel of cucumbers I'd harvested and asked me what in the world I was going to do with that many cukes.
While it was obvious to me...it apparently wasn't to her. Okay. Well, I told her...I'm getting ready to make pickle relish like grandma used to make. My family goes through at least 60 pints of it a year and I was almost out. Her next remark floored me. See...there's not THAT many years between us, and we were both raised the same way. I know she's blonde...but ummm....
"You can't make relish out of cucumbers" "You have to use pickles" she said.
I asked her where she thought pickles came from........"Uh....a pickle tree!" Sheesh, doesn't everyone know that.
I'll leave it to you to guess which sister it was. :)