Rachel is very attached to Camelinda..but we're both pretty sure 'she' is really a rooster. She is debating whether or not to change his name. What ever gender Camy is...it's a very tame and gentle bird. If Rach sits still for just a minute, Camy will come up to her and sit in her lap. She doesn't mind being picked up and hauled all over the place.
The training has went pretty well. They love being out of the coop and free to roam where they may. Most evenings they put themselves to bed, leaving me just one or two I have to chase in. This is a good thing. Especially since I've seen coyotes near the edge of the woods almost nightly over the past few weeks. I'll keep them on grower rations for another 5 weeks or so, and then switch thier feed to laying ration. That means in about 8 weeks we will start getting eggs.
I've got to get a good photo of the rooster. He's so big and pretty....and might I add....hen pecked. All as it should be.
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