Saturday, October 3, 2009

Girl Scout Service

The last weekend in September is our Troops first camp out of the year. This year we went to NOARK, hiked the trails so we could learn how to use a compass and map out points, learn some new cooking skills, and just have fun.

The girls made me a birthday cake while I was busy outside setting up our night time activities but I didn't get a picture of it. We were so hungry, that by the time I was all gone. Good job girls. The frosting was perfect!

Following our camp out, we went over to War Eagle and studied the water. We have added it as a monitoring site on a service project we are doing. Our main site is the White River close to where we meet. Anyway, we are recording water temperature, phosphorus, and animal content. War Eagle, for all it's traffic and usage....and close proximity to a major highway....showed no signs of 'bad' or poor water quality. We found every water critter that good water is supposed to have, no bad ones. Yeah!!!! And along the bank, we found tracks of humans, dogs, raccoons, birds, squirrels, and an unknown (bobcat?) track in the mud. We picked up the litter on the way out just cause we'd rather come back and find no 'human' tracks....


Unknown said...

I wonder if you could get a hi-res close-up shot of the NOARK sign for me. I think it'd be cool to have it blown up with an oil canvas portrait look. I don't know if that makes sense. But I'd like to have a really good shot of it to frame. What do ya think?

jackie peek said...

i would like a copy of this picture I think I look good sitting on my fanny with my shoes off and lots of mud on my backsode from my slide down the enbankment. boy was it fun