Friday, June 12, 2009

Adventures of a homeschooler

Science is so easy when you homeschool. Just take a look at these photos from our adventures.

This first one is a Snapper Turtle we passed on our way to an afternoon activity. They live near water, bite!, are a pest to fish, and make a great chowder if you're brave enough to be the predator.

Next, we passed a pair of, don't panic. The ol' saying that the only good snake is a dead snake simply is not true. We need snakes in our enviornment, and while I can not put up with them in my home...I'm more than happy to see the pair of these Black Snakes live so close to me. Their presence means I am less likely to see the venomous snakes. She sure is a beauty.

Farther along on our adventure....Rachel begged for my camera and took this photo of two moths...I'm not identifing them just as yet, because miss Rachel needs to figure it out and let me know...can't have her reading over my shoulder and using crib notes.
Imagine my delight when I went to feed chickens and found this little lady making a nest in my back yard. She is a Box Turtle, totally harmless, habitat is mainly woodsy areas, and she doesn't get big enough for soup unless you've got several of them. The girls think she's about 16 yrs. old. What do you think?

and finally...can you guess the name of this beauty we found at the park on the swing set?
It's a Leopard Moth, and while it's hard to discern, it's "eye's" and antenae are the prettiest color of blue. They have several broods of babies each spring and summer, and while they are quite common, most people never even notice them because they like to stay on the underside of wood. Any equipment, woods, pic nic tables....

Take a look around you today. There's no telling what you will find. God, is all his awesome imagination has created beautiful and fabulous creatures.

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