Saturday, July 18, 2009

Diary of a Chicken

It's been a busy week for our birdies. They have managed to double in size, and they have begun getting feathers. Wing feathers grow in first.

The Guinea Sisters are so funny to watch. If you seperate one out from her sisters, she stands there stretching her neck and peering off into the distance trying to spot the others ....Boy are they loud. They started trying to run after bugs at two days old. It took them awhile to figure out what to do with the moth they caught.

Mr. Silver looks so much smaller than Mrs. but it's because he's all hunched down and she's already showing tendencies of ruling the roost. You go girl!

These gals are doing well also. We did loose one Sunday night. She wouldn't eat for nothing and just wanted to sleep. I don't think she was internally developed enough. Notice the feathers on their legs?

And just an FYI....the chicks do not have the run of my house. They are out of the brooder so I can take photos!

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