Friday, July 10, 2009

They're here!!

Woo hoo!! The babies have arrived and they are so cute.

I love the constant peep peeps of thier calls. Anyway, let me introduce you to our newest additions:
Mr & Mrs Silver Wyandotte

The mister is the one with the green head. The hatchery marks them with a bit of food dye when they sex them. It will go away in about a week and then I won't be able to tell the boy from the girls until he starts getting his crown and spurs.

The Pearl Grey Guinea Sisters

I expect these gals to work for thier keep. They are very fond of ticks and chiggers and I've got plenty to go around. They are also a built in alarm system and scream bloody murder when disturbed. I'm hoping I can train them well enough so they can free range during the day and let me pen them for protection during the nights.

Cochin Bantam Family

Banty 2

These miniature chicks are a bribe. Yep, that's right. I'll stoop that low. Rachel adores this breed and I'm using them as incentive to get her to do what I want. The more Banty points she earns...the more of them she can have. At this point, one Bantam is her's and the rest are mine. We'll see how well it works. They're a 'standard run' so I won't know whether they're boys or girls for about 3 months.

I'm sure I'll have more pics to share as they grow.

1 comment:

redhead83402 said...

PJ ~ I have just been browsing through your blog this morning (it's 5:19 am....we got home from Girl's Camp yesterday & I fell asleep & didn't wake up till about an hour or so ~ those girl's are EXHAUSTING ~ fun, but exhausting!) & I LOVE IT!

I want to make individual comments on each entry that I have missed, but I know I had better at least put down this one first ~

The chicks are SO PRECIOUS!

It's hard to believe that in just a few months they will be up & at 'em!! We did meat birds this spring, & while it was great to put away 24 nice chickens in the freezer, I have to say that they are the ugliest, meanest, most disgusting excuse of a bird I have ever met!

Our pretty layers are so friendly & loveable, they cluck & cing for us, but those meat birds were actually a pleasure to be done with.

My husband is talking about doing another 8 week stint of 24 meat birds again this fall, but I am not too thrilled. And oddly enough, the slaughter wasn't the snasty part, it was the raising up part... those snasty meat birds were just too gross! :-D

At any rate, I LOVED your posts, about the cute turtle, the poetry, the chicks, & especially the girl scouts pics of the weaving, smocking & spinning! I love fiber arts myself... in fact, I am a confirmed fabriholic,lol, & lately, a rather bold collector of yarn as well. (Although, I must point out that I AM actually dyeing the yarns & selling them at the local farmer's market, along with my soaps, that's a good justification, right? ;-D)
~Red (that blurty blogger ;-D)